Tuesday, January 27, 2004

as an alternative to this project to get fielding stats, they could just simply require every major league team to replace the grass infield with a hollywood 'blue wall' surface for the ground, and have every player wear those little balls all over their body that they use to record motion for video games and shit.

what the hell am i talking about?

all i know is, who the hell tears their acl playing pickup hoops? maybe it's becuase all these modern athletes are too diesel and toned and take too many supplements which makes their bodies too tightly wound and succeptible to ligament injuries.

although, look at furds, he's NEVER been the same athletically since that fateful day senior year at stuy when john migdahl stepped on his ankle at the battery park courts. poor kid, he used to be the b'nai bird, now look at him.

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