Friday, February 13, 2004

This whole Barry Bonds steroid issue is back, and some people are quick to leap to the conclusion that if he used an illegal performace enhancing drug it negates all his accomplishments.
Just to put this in perspective, here's an excerpt from a Times article today:

"Pittsburgh drug trials in 1985, ...
(Dale) Berra and Parker testified that they secured amphetamines from Willie Stargell; Parker said he also got them from Bill Madlock. Milner identified Willie Mays as a source of liquid amphetamines when they played for the Mets."

Nobody ever dismisses Willie Mays's accomplishments because he might have used illegal performance enhancing drugs.
In fact, it's generally accepted that a very large percentage of players used to use amphetamines regularly, and nobody seems to care.
I really think it all boils down to people disliking Bonds and looking for any means to tarnish his legacy.

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